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How to send ‘view once’ images on WhatsApp

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 Teach71 is a collection of ideas, recommendations, and advice on how to get the most out of your gadgets, applications, and other electronic devices.

WhatsApp launched an ephemeral messages function last year. Those messages, on the other hand, remained visible to the other person for seven days, which is a long time for information you want to erase.

The firm has been working on a feature that allows you to communicate photographs and movies that can only be viewed once, and it is now pushing it out to test versions of the app across platforms.

How to send ‘view once’ images on WhatsApp
How to send ‘view once’ images on WhatsApp

Here’s how you can use it:

  • Download the Android app's beta version (the iOS beta testing program is now closed) or wait for the functionality to be added to the stable version.
  • Go to the contact or group to whom you wish to send this one-time-only image.
  • Choose an image from the collection or shoot a photo using your camera.
  • In the text field, tap the symbol that says ‘1'.

How to send ‘view once’ images on WhatsApp
How to send ‘view once’ images on WhatsApp

When compared to conventional photos, the person you gave it to will receive this image without any preview and will only be able to view it once.

Anyone can take a screenshot of the image you sent and save it forever, according to WhatsApp's information label about the feature. If they close the window, though, the image vanishes.

This is a useful tool for sensitive photographs or papers that you don't want others to see but don't want to leave a trace of. Greetings and greetings.

About the Author

Tech Blogger.

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